Office of Health and Counseling Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What services are provided by the counseling office?
A: Counseling Services in a confidential setting provides university students, faculty and staff with individual and group assistance in adapting to stressful situations while attending and working at DSU.  Examples such as adjusting to the university environment, COVID 19 stressors, relationship issues with roommate, professors, parents, significant other, choosing a vocation, selecting a major, and solving personal, social, and educational difficulties are common reasons to utilize counseling.

Q: Who can use Counseling Services?
A: All members of the Delta State University community (students, faculty, and staff) are eligible to use our services.

Q: Is there a fee?
A: There is no fee.

Q: What if I have concerns about a friend or roommate?
A: Make a report through DSU C.A.R.E.S-Campus Action Referral & Evaluation System. Click the link to submit a confidential report

Q: How do I make an appointment?
A:  Click here to Schedule an Appointment or contact us at 662-846-4690.

Our office hours are Monday-Friday 8 AM – 5 PM (Fall and Spring semesters) Monday-Thursday 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM (Summer). We are conveniently located in the back of the Student Health building.

Q: What do I do if I have an after-hours emergency?
A: Contact the University Police department at 662-846-4155 or 911 if you are away from campus.

What are the hours of the health center?
Hours of regular operation: Monday – Friday from 8 AM – 5 PM
Summer Hours: Monday – Thursday from 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM
The Health Center will be closed all nights, weekends, interim periods between semesters and university holidays.

Do I need an appointment?
No appointments needed.

Are Telemedicine appointments available?
Not at this time.

If I have a fever, or infectious symptoms, should I come to the Health Center?
No. If you are experiencing fever or infectious symptoms, please call (662) 846-4630 for instructions for care.

Can I get a referral to a doctor?
Yes, transition of care to a primary care physician can be made.

Where is the Health Center located?
It is located across from Brumby-Castle Residence Hall, near the cafeteria, and behind the Student Union.

Who is eligible to utilize the Health Center?
O W. Reilly Health Services are available to all students free of change. No insurance needed.

Does the Health Center offer contraception?
Health Services does offer some forms of contraception. A more comprehensive offering may be available at the local health department.

Are my visits to the Health Center confidential?
No information will be released without a signed statement by the person receiving medical care.

Does the Health Center offer specialty services?
This service is available at the local health department.

Does the Health Center offer lab work / x-rays / injections?
These services are referred to a local doctor’s office at the student’s expense.

What are my responsibilities to qualify for accessibility services?

  • Students should self-identify as a student with a qualified disability.
  • Students should provide documentation of the disability.
  • Students are encouraged to request services at least 30 days or earlier prior to the start of classes to ensure the availability of services and to allow for timely and effective processing of requests.

What are my rights?

  • You have a right to services and reasonable accommodations which allows you to compete on an equal basis with non-disabled students, as long as you meet the requirements of the program.
  • You have the right to privacy. Information regarding your disability is confidential and cannot be released to anyone without your written permission unless court ordered.

How often should I apply for accessibility services?

  • Students must self-identify and submit a new course schedule each semester so that proper paperwork is submitted to each instructor and to ensure reasonable accommodations. It is important to request services at the beginning of each semester.

What are reasonable accommodations?

  • Reasonable accommodations are modifications or adjustments to a course, program, service, or activity that enable students with documented disabilities to have the same privileges available to students without disabilities. The University is only obligated to provide accommodations for the documented limitations of students with disabilities.

Are accessibility records made a part of my permanent college file?

  • No. Information about your contact with the Office of Accessibility Services is not kept in your permanent, academic or financial records.