Office of Academic Affairs

Faculty Research

The Delta State University Research Committee was established in 1969. Its purpose is to support faculty research. The guidelines herein were formulated in an effort to ensure equitable and fair allocation of funds. They have been approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and President and are considered institutional policy.

Eligibility Guidelines

Administration, faculty, and professional staff are eligible for funds through the Research Committee. An applicant having previously received funds from the Committee must have a satisfactory status report on file in the Committee Chair’s office before a new proposal can be considered. Applicants who have given or received notice of termination of their employment at Delta State are not eligible for support. Research being conducted in association with requirements for a degree is not eligible for funding. Also, research efforts considered to be a departmental function (such as program review, follow-up of alumni, and other efforts designed to assist an academic department in functioning more effectively) are not eligible for funding.

Proposal Types

Section A.) The Academic Affairs Funds

  • Kent Janice Wyatt fund
  • Griffis fund

Section B.) Research Committee Fund

For travel stipends of up to $250 (matched by the department/division) to make a presentation at a professional meeting, use the Travel Grant Form. One copy of the completed form with the signatures of the department chair and college or school dean should be sent to the Chair of the Research Committee. Such proposals do not require approval of the full Research Committee, only the Committee Chair.

These requests, if approved by the Research Committee Chair, will be typically filed along with the Travel Authorization form with the secretary of the department for sending to the procurement office for reimbursement after the conclusion of the travel.

Travel to state meetings is not eligible for funds.

Proposal Guidelines for Major Grants

Current procedures call for the Research Committee to review all proposals and make recommendations for funding to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. During the summer months the Research Committee does not meet. In cases of special need, the Committee Chair, with approval of the college/school dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs, can make funding awards.


Approved short and long proposals are assigned budget numbers by the Business Office. Procedures for expenditure of Research funds are the same as other institutional funds. The exception is that the Chair of the Research Committee approves purchase and travel requisitions. Changes in the budget must be approved by the Chair of the Research Committee. It is the responsibility of the researcher to stay within the amounts allocated for the project. At the conclusion of the study, the researcher is responsible for preparing a final report and submitting it to the Committee Chair. All equipment and non-consumable supplies remain with the researcher unless needed for another project. Once the final report has been filed, the project is considered complete.

Questions pertaining to preparation of an application, the expenditure of funds, or interpretation of the policies described herein can be answered in the Office of Academic Affairs, Kent Wyatt Hall 228.